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About Lauren

Lauren graduated from Antioch University Los Angeles with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology specializing in Child Studies. Antioch prepared her for this field through a culturally sensitive and expansive lens, that honed in on the emotional and neurological development of children and teens specifically. She has worked with children and teens (newborn to 18) for the last 20 years as a live-in au pair and Behavior Interventionist for children and teens on the spectrum. Lauren feels privileged to have experienced so many different families, homes, and classrooms in Los Angeles witnessing first-hand the need for mental health support that covers the whole family.

Lauren's therapeutic approach is collaborative; focusing on strengths, with an emphasis on Family Structural Therapy, Narrative Work, and Attachment. Believing the relationship is paramount and can affect progress especially when treating children and teens. Lauren's “tool kit” brings in play, art, music, bibliotherapy, and movement therapy allowing for an authentic and shared bond to develop.


When Lauren is not wearing her therapist hat, she spends as much time as she can with her dog Casey and claiming her own mindfulness practice of Afro-Brazilian Dance and Samba. Dance fuels the healer in her, and she is able to hold all your details, good memories, and awful truths. Lauren invites you to come and sit with the drum and just be in the room with her as your guide.

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